先秦 两汉 魏晋 南北朝 隋代 唐代 五代 宋代 元代 明代 清代 近代 现代



作者:李白 5(1人评价)

出自唐朝诗人李白<早发白帝城Leaving the White Emperor Town at Dawn > cháo cí bái dì cǎi yún jiān 朝辞白帝彩云间,Leaving at dawn the White Emperor crowned with cloud; qiān lǐ jiāng líng yī rì hái  千里江陵一日还。I'Ve sailed a th...


“一道残阳铺水中 半江瑟瑟半江红”

作者:白居易 5(4人评价)

出自唐代诗人白居易<暮江吟 Sunsed and Moonrise on the River> yī dào cán yáng pù shuǐ zhōng 一道残阳铺水中 ,The departing sunbeams pave a way on the river; bàn jiāng sè sè bàn jiāng hóng 半江瑟瑟半江红 。...



作者:白居易 5(9人评价)

出自唐代诗人白居易 江楼月 The Moon over the Riverside Tower  jiā líng jiāng qǔ qǔ jiāng chí 嘉陵江曲曲江池,You stand by River Jialing, I by winding streams. míng yuè suī tóng rén bié lí 明月虽同人别离。T...



作者:苏轼 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<李思训画长江绝岛图 Two Lonely Isles in the Yangzi River - Written on a Picture Drawn by Li Sixun> shān cāng cāng ,shuǐ máng máng 山苍苍,水茫茫,Below the mountains green dà gū xiǎo gū jiāng zhōng yāng  大孤小孤江中...



作者:苏轼 5(4人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<南堂The Southern Hall> jiāng shàng xī shān bàn yǐn dī 江上西山半隐堤,The western hills are half hidden by river banks, cǐ bāng tái guǎn yī shí xī 此邦台馆一时西。All the pavilions of this country face the west. nán tá...


人生如梦 一尊还酹江月

作者:苏轼 5(15人评价)

苏轼<念奴娇·赤壁怀古Tune: Charm of a Maiden Singer Memories of the Past at Red Cliff> dà jiāng dōng qù 大江东去,The endless river eastward flows; làng táo jìn 浪淘尽,With its huge waves are gone all those qiān gǔ fēng liú rén wù 千古风流人...


长恨此身非我有 何时忘却营营

作者:苏轼 4.5(6人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<临江仙·夜饮东坡醒复醉 Tune: Immortal at the River Returning to Lingao by night > yè yǐn dōng pō xǐng fù zuì 夜饮东坡醒复醉,Drinking at Eastern Slope by night, guī lái fǎng fó sān gèng 归来仿...



作者:苏轼 5(2人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<调笑令·渔父 Tune: Song of Flirtation > yú fù 渔父,Fisherman, yú fù 渔父,Fisherman, jiāng shàng wēi fēng xì yǔ 江上微风细雨。On the river in gentle wind and rain. qīng suō huáng ruò ...



作者:苏轼 5(3人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<如梦令·题淮山楼Tune: Like a Dream On the Riverside Tower > chéng shàng céng lóu dié yǎn 城上层楼叠巘,On city wall I see peak on peak appear; chéng xià qīng huái gǔ biàn 城下清淮古汴。Below the wall flow rivers old and cl...


苦含情,遣谁听? 烟敛云收,依约是湘灵

作者:苏轼 5(2人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<江城子·凤凰山下雨初晴 Tune: A Riverside Town on Lake > fèng huáng shān xià yǔ chū qíng 凤凰山下雨初晴,It turns fine after rain below the Phoenix Hill, shuǐ fēng qīng ,wǎn xiá míng 水风...