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作者:李白 5(3人评价)

出自唐朝诗人李白<赠孟浩然 To Meng Haoran > wú ài mèng fū zǐ 吾爱孟夫子,Dear Master Meng, I hail you from the heart,  fēng liú tiān xià wén 风流天下闻。Of your high value all the world is proud.  hó...



作者:杜甫 5(13人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜甫<江南逢李龟年Coming Across a Disfavored Court Musician on the Southern Shore of the Yangze River> qí wáng zhái lǐ xún cháng jiàn 岐王宅里寻常见,How oft in princely mansions did we meet! cuī jiǔ táng qián jǐ dù wén 崔九堂前几度...



作者:杜甫 5(13人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜甫<闻官军收河南河北> jiàn wài hū chuán shōu jì běi 剑外忽传收蓟北,It's said the Northern Gate is recaptured of late; chū wén tì lèi mǎn yī shang 初闻涕泪满衣裳。When the news reach my ears, my gown is wet with tears. ...


好雨知时节 当春乃发生

作者:杜甫 5(7人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜甫春夜喜雨Happy Rain on a Spring Night hǎo yǔ zhī shí jiē 好雨知时节,Good rain knows its time right; dāng chūn nǎi fā shēng 当春乃发生。It will fail when comes spring. suí fēng qián rù yè 随风潜入夜,With wind it steals...


风急天高猿啸 渚清沙白鸟飞回

作者:杜甫 5(17人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜甫<登高> fēng jí tiān gāo yuán xiào āi 风急天高猿啸哀,The wind so swift, the sky so wide, apes wail and cry; zhǔ qīng shā bái niǎo fēi huí 渚清沙白鸟飞回。Water so clear and beach so white, birds wheel and fly. wú b...


“三顾频烦天下计 两朝开济老臣心”

作者:杜甫 5(19人评价)

出自唐朝诗人杜甫的<蜀相 Temple of the Premier of Shu>  chéng xiàng cí táng hé chù xún 丞相祠堂何处寻,Where is the famous premier's temple to be found? jǐn guān chéng wài bǎi sēn sēn 锦官城外柏森森。Outside t...


“昔人已乘黄鹤去 此地空余黄鹤楼”

作者:崔颢 5(16人评价)

出自唐代诗人崔颢<黄鹤楼Yellow Crane Tower> xī rén yǐ chéng huáng hè qù 昔人已乘黄鹤去,The sage on yellow crane was gone amid clouds white. cǐ dì kōng yú huáng hè lóu 此地空余黄鹤楼。To what avail is Yellow Crane Tower left here? huáng hè...



作者:李商隐 4.9(32人评价)

出自唐代诗人李商隐<衣雨寄北> jūn wèn guī qī wèi yǒu qī 君问归期未有期,You ask me when I can come back but I don't know. bā shān yè yǔ zhǎng qiū chí 巴山夜雨涨秋池。The pools in Western Hills with autumn rain overflow. hé dāng...



作者:李商隐 5(39人评价)

出自唐代诗人李商隐<锦瑟 The Sad Zither>   jǐn sè wú duān wǔ shí xián 锦瑟无端五十弦,Why should the zither sad have fifty strings? yī xián yī zhù sī huá nián 一弦一柱思华年。Each string,each strain e...



作者:杜牧 4.4(7人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜牧 <赤壁 The Red Cliff> zhé jǐ chén shā tiě wèi xiāo 折戟沉沙铁未销,We dig out broken halberds buried in the sand, zì jiāng mó xǐ rèn qián cháo  自将磨洗认前朝。And wash and rub these relics of an ancient war. dō...