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迎客西来送客行 秋雨晴时泪不晴

作者:苏轼 5(2人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<南乡子·送述古 Tune: A Southern Song a> huí shǒu luàn shān héng 回首乱山横,Turning my head, I find rugged mountains bar the sky, bú jiàn jū rén zhī jiàn chéng 不见居人只见城。I can no longer ...


天际客帆高挂 门外酒旗低迓

作者:张昪 5(1人评价)

出自宋代诗人张昪<离亭燕·一带江山如画 Tune: Swallows Leaving Pavilion > yī dài jiāng shān rú huà 一带江山如画,So picturesque the land by riverside, fēng wù xiàng qiū xiāo sǎ 风物向秋潇洒。In autumn tints the scenery is purified. shuǐ...



作者:晏殊 5(2人评价)

出自宋代诗人晏殊<踏莎行·碧海无波 Tune: Treading on Grassa> bì hǎi wú bō 碧海无波,The celestial blue sea is calm and free; yáo tái yǒu lù 瑶台有路,To Heavenly Abode there is a road. sī liàng biàn hé shuāng fēi qù 思量便合双飞去...



作者:晏殊 5(6人评价)

出自宋代诗人晏殊<蝶恋花·槛菊愁烟兰泣露 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers > kǎn jú chóu yān lán qì lù 槛菊愁烟兰泣露,Orchids shed tears with doleful asters in mist grey. luó mù qīng hán 罗幕轻寒,How can they stand the cold silk curtains ca...



作者:晏几道 5(4人评价)

出自宋代诗人晏几道<生查子·坠雨已辞云 Tune: Mountain Hawthorn> zhuì yǔ yǐ cí yún 坠雨已辞云,From clouds has fallen rain; 中仄仄平平 liú shuǐ nán guī pǔ 流水难归浦。It can't go back again. 中仄平平仄 yí hèn jǐ shí xiū 遗...



作者:米芾 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人米芾<西江月·秋兴 Tune: The Moon over the West River - Autumn> xī miàn hé xiāng càn càn 溪 面 荷 香 粲 粲,The lotus on the creek spreads flagrance far and nigh; lín duān yuǎn xiù qīng qīng 林 端 远 岫 青 青。Above the green, gre...



作者:贺铸 5(8人评价)

出自宋代诗人贺铸<菩萨蛮·城里钟 Tune: Buddhist Dancers> yàn yàn bié jiǔ shāng gē sòng 厌 厌 别 酒 商 歌 送,The sad and dreary feast with songs of farewell grieves; xiāo xiāo liáng yè qiū shēng dòng 萧 萧 凉 叶 秋 声 动。Shower by showe...



作者:顾恺之 5(9人评价)

顾恺之<神情诗 Spirit of the Four Seasons> chūn shuǐ mǎn sì yáng 春 水 满 泗 洋,Spring water overbrims the streams; xià yún duō qí fēng 夏 云 多 奇 峰。Summer cloud fancy peaks outshine; qiū yuè yáng míng huī 秋 月 扬 明 辉,The autumn ...



作者:张翰 4.4(7人评价)

张翰<思吴江歌 Thinking of the Eastern Stream> qiū fēng qǐ xī mù yè fēi 秋 风 起 兮 木 叶 飞, The rise of an autumn breeze, oh! wú jiāng shuǐ xī lú zhèng féi 吴 江 水 兮 鲈 正 肥。Makes leaves fall from the trees, sān qiān lǐ xī jiā...



作者:曹丕 5(13人评价)

曹丕<燕歌行·秋风萧瑟天气凉 Song of a Lonely Wife> qiū fēng xiāo sè tiān qì liáng 秋 风 萧 瑟 天 气 凉,The weather turns cold when bleak blows the autumn breeze; cǎo mù yáo luò lù wéi shuāng 草 木 摇 落 露 为 霜。The leaves shiver and ...