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“吴质不眠倚桂树 露脚斜飞湿寒兔”

作者:李贺 5(21人评价)

出自唐代李贺<凭箜篌引Song of Li Ping's Twenty-three Strings > wú sī shǔ tóng zhāng gāo qiū 吴丝蜀桐张高秋,The Southern strings on Western chest played in autumn high, kōng shān níng yún tuí bú liú  空山凝云颓不流。The congealed clouds ov...



作者:元稹 5(5人评价)

出自唐代元禛<闻乐天授江州司马>  cán dēng wú yàn yǐng zhuàng zhuàng 残灯无焰影幢幢,In flameless dying lamplight heavy shadows creep; cǐ xī wén jun1 zhé jiǔ jiāng 此夕闻君谪九江。Tonight I'm told you're degraded to the city old. chuí...



作者:柳宗元 5(18人评价)

出自唐代诗人柳宗元《渔翁》 yú wēng yè bàng xī yán xiǔ  渔翁夜傍西岩宿,Under western cliff a fisherman passes the night; xiǎo jí qīng xiāng rán chǔ zhú 晓汲清湘燃楚竹。At dawn he makes bamboo fire to boil water clean. yān xiāo rì chū...



作者:温庭筠 5(10人评价)

出自唐朝诗人温庭筠 <商山早行 Early Departure > chén qǐ dòng zhēng duó 晨起动征铎,At dawn I rise and my cab bells begin kè háng bēi gù xiāng 客行悲故乡。To ring,but in thoughts of home I am lost. jī shēng máo...



作者:李商隐 4.9(22人评价)

出自唐代诗人李商隐<登乐游原 On the Plain of Tombs > xiàng wǎn yì bú shì 向晚意不适,At dusk my heart is filled with gloom; qū chē dēng gǔ yuán  驱车登古原。I drive my cab to ancient tomb. xī yáng wú xià...



作者:李商隐 4.9(32人评价)

出自唐代诗人李商隐<衣雨寄北> jūn wèn guī qī wèi yǒu qī 君问归期未有期,You ask me when I can come back but I don't know. bā shān yè yǔ zhǎng qiū chí 巴山夜雨涨秋池。The pools in Western Hills with autumn rain overflow. hé dāng...



作者:李商隐 5(39人评价)

出自唐代诗人李商隐<锦瑟 The Sad Zither>   jǐn sè wú duān wǔ shí xián 锦瑟无端五十弦,Why should the zither sad have fifty strings? yī xián yī zhù sī huá nián 一弦一柱思华年。Each string,each strain e...



作者:杜牧 5(19人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜牧<清明 The Mourning Day> qīng míng shí jiē yǔ fēn fēn  清明时节雨纷纷,A drizzling rain falls like tears on the mourning day; lù shàng háng rén yù duàn hún  路上行人欲断魂。The mourner'...



作者:杜牧 5(14人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜牧<秋夕> yín zhú qiū guāng lěng huà píng 银烛秋光冷画屏,Autumn has chilled the painted screen in candlelight; qīng luó xiǎo shàn pū liú yíng 轻罗小扇扑流萤。A palace maid uses a fan to catch fireflies. tiān jiē yè sè liá...



作者:杜牧 5(7人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜牧<过华清宫 The Summer Palace > zhǎng ān huí wàng xiù chéng duī  长安回望绣成堆,Viewed from afar,the hills paved with brocades in piles, shān dǐng qiān mén cì dì kāi 山顶千门次第开。The palace doors on hilltops opened on...